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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I am a mixed media artist who has recently retired from a teaching career in public school education.  For the last thirty years my life was dictated by calendars, clocks, bells, meetings, grades and all of the other things attached to teaching middle school.  My love for education will never end and I will always revert to my favorite thing to do- teach others to love and appreciate their own creativity.  Now its my turn and I am looking forward to exploring my own creativity.  My brain is on overload with all of my ideas for the next project.  At present my explorations have included ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art), monoprinting, watercolor, and fiber arts.  Heaven only knows where my next adventure will lead.  I look forward to sharing my journey with you.  Please feel free to comment, share, and sign up for my e-mails.